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Please note we do not yet have the pages from Precedence for this Pride, so what you see here is what we have so far. . .

"Quote goes here"


Sanctuary Types



Stronghold and Influence




Himsati Form:


System Note: X
This himsati

Terrene Form:



Gender Ratio:

Male: About XX% Female: About XX%





Role-playing the Phoenix Character


Cultural Note: X

Phoenix Perks

Legacies: Phoenix gain the first rank of the following legacies at no cost: X

Serenades: Phoenix gain the first rank of any three of the following serenades at no cost. All other serenades on this list are at a complexity rank of 4 for Peri characters. X

Phoenix Secret Serenades: X and X. See Serenades, the First Book of Powers, pages 1xx-1xx.



Sense Palladium






Phoenix Bane




Attitudes Towards other Nations



Sanguinary: A worthy opponent, we will win a glorious battle when we destroy it for good.

Silence: It makes little difference tous.  We use no serenades against others, fo we are ourselves weapons.

Habitat: The upper world is a loud and corrupted place.  We take solace in the underworld where the quiet goes on forever.

Dominions: If not for the plague there, we would not balk at returning to take back our homeland from whatever manner of creature has survived there.

Crucible: We believe it to be oblivion.  And if it wasn't, why search for spiritual contentment when it's always been within you?

Morpheum: Those in the Morpheum need good weapons to do their work, and that's they we are available.

Stratagem: We follow the stratagem to atone for the crimes of our past.  When our visage becomes absolute, the debt will be repaid.

Profane: The others overestimate the malice of some of these immortal breeds.  Only the droves are worthy of our unremmiting hatred.   We would help the profane if we did not believe that they needed adversity to survive the coming times.

Ingenue: An interesting experiment. . . whoever did it.  We merely want to find our own among them and to make friends among those who don't remember what pompous jerks they used to be.

Conundrum: We hate the conundrum and will find a way to destroy every one that exists!  This is our most profound mission.  Stone understands stone, and we see the evil that saturates these bewitching fragments.

Sinning: Only those mortals who have harmed their fellow man are worthy of having their lives drained away.  This is no moral judgement.  If we must rid ourselves of oppressors, then we might as well get some use out of them first.

Himsati: Even though the Sanguinary can influence this part of us, we are unwilling to bury ourselves completely in the contours of human lies.

Humanity: Overall, they aren't too bad.   However they should learn to listen to their children.  In seeking to build their lives, they forget to look at all the available materials.


The Phoenix make new initiates undergo a bardic style ritual, only using fire instead of water.  During this time, some of their inborn himsati nature are replaced with the inborn natures of fire, but not under normal circumstances all of them.

Dardanos in history (and in mythology to some extent) is credited with the founding of what we commonly call today, Troy.
Dardonas (as he came to be known later) was in fact, a Milesian.  He sensed the Palladium that lay at Hisarlik hill. He and his people
settled there and began to build a community. Proximity to the Palladium (for reasons we do not know) gave Dardonas an extended
lifespan of what would have been several centuries; if not for the Horned Lord.

The Horned Lord, upon reaching the settlement, began to seek out immaculum and taboos with which to splinter off his Immortal Scions. He could sense the power in the Bright Blood of Dardonas, having been reborn within the Bloom himself. He consumed Dardanos wholly.
When he began to splinter off his scions, his first Immortal scion became Dardanos reincarnated, now an Immortal as opposed to a Milesian. The taboo had in fact carried the soul-print of Dardanos himself. Thus was Dardanos the 1st Warlord of the Phoenix.
However, Dardanos was powerful indeed. In emulating his "father", Dardanos splintered off 50 of his own scions, The Dardanos. Each of the Dardanos is an identical replica of their father and share a communion between them that even the Arachne find similar to their Oneness. This shared flame of  the soul allows them to sense one another whenever they are within the same "plane" of existence (the Habitat for example).
It is rumored that Dardanos did not "emulate" his father, but was rather forced to. Certain tales claim that Dardanos was opposed to the "hoarding" of the Palladium by the Phoenix in their early days, and in order to curb his power and potential interference, the Horned Lord forced him to splinter off the scions. The scions however, do not share the same zealousness as their father concerning
the petrified sap of the Sunedrion, though they are freer with their use of the sap than other Phoenix.

Each of the Dardanos seem to be complete clones of the others in personality, appearance and attitude. They are all Highbinders, charged with collecting Palladium   in the nameof Pride Phoenix wherever they may find it. All the Dardanos carry the same taboo that flames burn green in color around them. The Dardanos also have a particular carnal in that their touch can temporarily remove the effects of poison from those that they choose. While not immune to poison, they can temporarily resist its effects themselves as well.
Several of The Dardanos have gone into Lethe in the past several centuries, and their current whereabouts are unknown.

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